Now you can bring Cycle Prep programming to your community, by hosting a group viewing of the Cycle Prep course for parents + daughters in your school, parish, scouting troop... or just with a group of friends!

Are you looking for an easy way to share high-quality cycle and period education with others? 

Many parents find that participating in a Cycle Prep group workshop is a great way to build community, and to know that the other families around them also care about building a Culture of Care as their daughters go through puberty together. 

But hiring Christina to come and deliver a presentation may not be an option.

And perhaps composing something like Cycle Prep from scratch is just not in your wheelhouse... or maybe if it is, you just don't have the time to do it.

...But I bet you can print out a few resource sheets and press "play" on a computer, right? That's how easy it is to host a workshop! 

Gather your community together, watch the videos, and share the handouts.

Cycle Prep group hosting is the perfect option for:

⛪ an opt-in school or parish program held when families can attend together
🇺🇸 a scouting lesson about body changes and self-care
☕ a special gathering of friends, in the comfort of your home!

With a group hosting license, you get one year of access to:

Group Hosting annual licenses are for individuals who want to serve as hosts for Cycle Prep events.

​Licenses are purchased based on the number of families you expect to serve during the course of a year, not the number of times you expect to run the program:


Up to 10 families

Perfect for a group of friends, a small scouting troop or homeschool 

Up to 30 families

Best for small parishes, schools, or mid-sized scouting troops

Up to 60 families

A good fit for larger parishes, schools, or combined events across multiple organizations

Up to 100 families

Best for large organizations, like a diocesan or Catholic schools office

Contact Christina to inquire about anticipated group needs for more than 100 families!

This is perfect for YOU if:

  • You have a group you'd like to share Cycle Prep with!
  • You are familiar and/or comfortable with the topic of cycles and periods, but may not want to research, design, and present all of the information yourself. 
  • You are able to print the included course resources for your group (or are willing to send them electronically to attendees if hosting a virtual viewing)
  • You have a passion for sharing about the goodness and dignity of girls' bodies.
  • You like to coordinate, advertise, and host events.

This is NOT for you if: 

  • You will not be hosting the event yourself. Licenses should be purchased directly by the hosts, as all materials are tied directly to your account. 
  • You are looking for a comprehensive program to teach puberty and sex ed (this covers only cycles and periods!)
  • You want to host a viewing WITHOUT parents. 
  • You do not believe that the design and healthy function of our bodies is inherently good.

Cycle Prep programs respect the role of parents as primary educators, by including them in the presentation time and inviting conversations among families. Because each family's timeline and situation is unique, Cycle Prep only covers cycle and period information,
​not comprehensive puberty or sex-ed.
Cycle Prep is the preferred cycle education program for MyCatholicDoctor and has been reviewed and endorsed by pediatricians! 
The Culture of Care
Cycle Prep reinforces the idea that cycles and periods are a good, healthy, and normal way for girls' bodies to function. It teaches girls how to respect the needs of their bodies  and commissions all of us to create a culture of care which respects ALL women and girls surrounding cycles!
Cycle Prep uses a unique analogy of "The Kingdom" to help girls learn how to tell the story of the menstrual cycle. They learn about  four key hormones (estrogen, FSH, LH and progesterone) in a way that makes the complex science accessible, and gives them the context to understand what happens with a period and why. 


Christina's Cycle Prep workshop is a wonderful resource to guide parents' discussion of puberty with their daughters... Girls who complete the workshop will feel prepared: they will understand the anatomy, be equipped with practical tips, and respect the meaning behind a woman's cycle. - Dr. Andrea Patrico, pediatrician and mom

The Culture of Care left such a great impression. So interesting between how to strike a balance between awe and wonder of the amazingness of the female body and at the same time matter-of-factness and forthrightness about periods, preparedness, and practical matters. - Lauren, parent attendee

I think one of the most helpful things is learning what's ordinary and what's not; that way you know when everything's fine. - 10-year-old attendee

CYCLE PREP is an incredible gift to moms who desire open and clear discussion with their tweens regarding the specifics of female fertility and their changing bodies. Christina explains the monthly cycle in a way that inspires awe for the beauty of the female body. I've been an avid fan of NFP for years and even I learned something! I am so thankful for such an amazing resource! - Katie Hartfiel, author Woman in Love

I loved the combination of a tale and proper medical terms for anatomy, hormones etc. Also positive body image (e.g. you body is normal within this range, your body knows what's right for you, listen to your body etc.)” - Lidiya, parent attendee

I liked learning how to tell when you are about to get the period, and also the kingdom analogy because it helped me to understand the hormones involved. - 12-year-old attendee


1Can I get a preview of the program?
The first Cycle Prep video is free to preview for everyone! Visit and scroll down to watch our intro. If you have specific questions about materials, please email Christina!
2Can I purchase a license and have someone else be the host?
Licenses need to be purchased directly by hosts, in order to ensure that you have access to all of the materials. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide single licenses that cover multiple hosts.
3Am I allowed to charge attendees when I host an event?
Your license comes with a Welcome Letter and Planning Guide which address many of the logistics of hosting, but the short answer is: yes! As the host, you do a lot of important work to bring Cycle Prep to your community-- whether that's a large parish, or a small group of friends!-- and it is perfectly fine for you to seek compensation for that time. You are also very welcome to offer Cycle Prep events for free to your community if that is your preference, although in that case I would recommend asking for a "pay what you can" donation to offset hosting costs and ensure commitment from attendees.
4Is this program specifically for religious groups?
Cycle Prep itself is not a religious program, though it is rooted in key concepts like respect for the design of our bodies. If you would like to include explicitly religious components with your Cycle Prep events, you are welcome to show the Catholic Connections videos, which explain what Catholics believe about the goodness of our bodies and give an introduction to the concept of the Language of the Body as it relates to body literacy for girls.
5If I purchase one level of license, but find out that I need a different level, how can I change my subscription?
Please reach out to Christina if you have questions about different licensing levels. I am happy to work with individuals to find a plan which suits your needs!
6I think I could actually deliver the talks. Does this license allow me to host the Cycle Prep workshop myself?
This license allows you to play the Cycle Prep videos as recorded. It does not grant permission for individuals to actually present the Cycle Prep program. If you are interested in being trained to facilitate Cycle Prep workshops, please contact Christina!