The people in the pews are struggling with family planning.
Whether or not you know it, they are. That's because most of them probably don't even know there is a Catholic way to do it or think NFP is ineffective. (And that's most likely based in fear versus selfishness - maybe another pregnancy would be detrimental to the mother's health or they lack the finances to support a child right now.)
And even if they are using NFP, it's super counter-cultural and isolating, extremely difficult to find relevant health providers, expensive to learn and monitor, and requires a lot of sacrifice and discernment.
They want your church to help them.
The people in your parish are looking for so much more than a 15 minute presentation during Pre Cana.
They are looking for assistance in walking through the pain of infertility or extended periods of abstinence.
They are looking for guidance on discerning family size and what's licit when it comes to the marital union.
They are looking for practical resources to learn how to chart and spiritual resources to sustain their families.
It's really not an unreasonable request; after all, if the only licit method of family planning approved by the Church is Natural Family Planning...shouldn't She support us in it?!

But this probably isn't something you feel prepared to take on yourself.
If you're a priest or deacon, chances are you got one short presentation on NFP during seminary, and you have the diocese Family Life page to pass on to couples during marriage prep, and that's about it. And all that required reading from your Moral Theology class only goes so far when you have a couple in your office looking for guidance.
And if you're a lay parish employee or volunteer and happen to be using NFP yourself, that doesn't mean you feel equipped to teach it your fellow parishioners or walk with them pastorally.
That's where I come in. As a certified fertility and cycle educator and former parish staff member, I created what I wish I had years ago: NFP parish resources to help train you, so you can train your parish.

"This is the true purpose of anatomy: to lead the audience by the wonderful artwork of the human body to the dignity of the soul and by the admirable structure of both to the knowledge and love of God."
- Bl. Nicholas Steno
a personal note to parish staff
First, in case no one's said it today, thank you for all you do for the Church! As a former parish employee, I know how bombarded you are with alllll the programs and initiatives you "should" be doing with your parishioners. And I know you keep pushing this off for that one random Friday in the summer when it's quiet.
Let me encourage you, though - if reaching young families is one of your operational or pastoral goals, focusing on NFP is one of the best ways to do it. Because it touches on a lot of topics - infertility, abstinence, health problems, marital communication - that your parishioners are struggling with. (Whether they're married or not - because yes, cycle awareness is beneficial even for teens and single women!)
And because I know first-hand just how busy you are, I've done a bulk of the prep work for you. My programs and resources are "just press play ready," meaning you spend less time getting bogged down in research and more time on pastoral outreach.
I've priced these resources to ensure they are accessible for all parishes. If you want to provide these resources for your parish but cannot afford it, I would highly encourage you to reach out to some of your key parishioners - maybe even that church lady who has been nagging you about this - to see if they would sponsor these programs for your parish.
- Christina
Explore NFP Resources for Parishes

Freak out when you get to the fertility section of marriage prep? Not sure how to support couples struggling with the practical, lived implications of family planning? Consider this your crash course in NFP so you can effectively share it with your parishioners and pastorally accompany them.

You're a super enthusiastic lay person on fire to share NFP...but have no idea how to bring it to your parish. Do you run an info session? Create a committee? Stand outside weddings with a sign? (Don't do that.) The NFP Ambassador certification will prepare you to advocate for family planning in your church and community.

You know your parishioners could benefit from learning about Natural Family Planning...but how can you teach them when you don't really know how it works? This done-for-you info session includes a pre-done slide deck and presentation notes so all you have to do is host it. Or even better, just press play and I'll present the session for you.

Want a super easy way to share NFP with your parish? Download these handouts to stick in your brochure rack! (And don't worry - they're not your typical church brochures that look like they were created in the 90s.)

Sharing NFP with your parish takes strategy, so you need a plan. Instead of spending hours researching and putting one together, I did it for you! Grab my ultimate guide to promoting NFP in your parish guide and get started supporting your parishioners in a matter of hours.

So no, I don't teach NFP for children. But I DO teach cycle awareness and body literacy, which are the health foundations at the basis of NFP and should be learned long before marriage. And I do it all from a Catholic perspective that honors the goodness of our design and Church teaching. My children and teen programs are wonderful for your Catholic school, religious education program, or youth group.